Sunday, September 11, 2011

How much would restoring a 1958 Buick Special cost?

I found a really nice light blue '58 Buick Special that they're asking 8900 for, no restorations except a new coat of paint. The spedometer, windshield wiper motor, and am radio don't work. How much would it cost to fully restore it, with new upholstery, new chrome, fixing the 3 things that are broken, and just other general restorations? Thanks.|||If you plan on doing most of the work your self, it will cost a lot less, but seeing how your asking the question, I'm guessing you want to pay some one to restore it for you. Your looking at anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 dollars, depending on what it needs. most of the money will be on labor. I you take out the seats, and the chrome, have the seat reupholstered, have the chrome stripped and re dipped, you will save a bit of money. The speedometer could just be a bad cable. The wiper motor is way cheaper if you go aftermarket or have it rebuilt and do the install your self. The radio can also be repaired. Shop around and find a quality electronic guy and shops.|||Since they're maybe a few details you missed in your description, got to they list prices a lot farther back then KBB. as for the cost to restore, its hard to say. too many variables take in to affect. the source of which you find parts is key. then it depends on what you can find and what you have to reuse. one thing i can tell you is that it may be a little hard to find interior parts. A piece of advice that i can give to you is, if you get this car find one like it at a car show. ask the owner if, A. He has any extra parts to get rid of. B. Ask if he knows any aftermarket companies repoping the parts you need.

C. before you buy the car, do some searching. see how readily the parts you think you are going to need are available.

Best of Luck to you.

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