Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where can I find the cigarette lighter socket for 1997 Buick Le Sabre?

I have a 1997 Buick Le Sabre and I can't find the cigarette lighter socket in my car!

Anyone known that please response to me about that!

Thank you so much|||Go to a junkyard or pull-n-pay place and get one. It's cheaper than buying it at Autozone or Advance Discount Auto Parts. But, if you want to spend the extra cash, those places should have brand new ones. And nj2pa2nc, that is actually incorrect. Cars still have them because even if you don't smoke, the 12v cigarette lighter socket is needed to power aplliances, laptops, nav systems, etc. Most cars just don't come with the actual lighter itself or an ashtray. However, these days, you have to pay extra for the "smoker's package" in your new car (ashtray, lighter, etc.)|||In the ashtray.|||most cars no longer have cigarette lighter sockets|||go to any auto parts store they have these in stock all the time they only cost a few bucks ,and are easy to install,advance or auto zone either one has these,good luck,|||Try Ebay or junk yards|||If you want one you can buy the complete unit at autozone and install it, your car probably didn't have one installed at the factory as it is an option now.

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