Thursday, September 15, 2011

Is it possible to take a 3300 engine from a 93 Buick Century and put it in a newer car?

My dad has a 1993 Buick Century that was my grandmother's, so it only has about 55,000 miles on the 3300 engine. The engine is in great condition but the body is old, worn out, and rusty so he wants to take the engine from there and put it in a newer car that needs an engine, like a Grand Prix, or something like that. Is that possible?|||It's possible to do anything you like if you have the money.

If you pick a model that the 3300 engine was fitted to, say another Century in good condition but with a knackered motor or trans you could pick one up cheap.

That would make economic sense and you would have a good car to give plenty of service when you were done.

Putting engines in vehicles they were never meant for is a lot of work, requiring cutting welding and a lot of re wiring. and plumbing even more if it has aircon.

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