I went to Autozone/Advance and they said that the 95 model cant use the machine they have, but they told me to use something like a paper clip to connect where the plugs were, and i did that and i have no luck so could anyone help me?|||danie is right your second anwer is complrtely wrong all autozone has is obd2 scanners wont scan obd1 systems|||The answer to this is yet another great example of the current Y! Answers. Factually correct, but not entirely helpful. And since I also Own a 95 Regal I wanted to find an answer to this too.
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|||Through some searching I've found some useful information. Apparently a few 1995 GM vehicles had a OBD1 system with a few enhancements. Space in this comment field is limited, so I'll have to post more info as I find it here:
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|||You need a proper scanner as the last year you could do the terminal jump thing was 1994.|||You will need a OBD-II scan tool to read the code.I think Auto Zone will do it for you for free.|||There's 3 way's to hook up that paper clip up.Must be,O.B.D. 1.L@@k at the front of the plug, top row last 2 all the way to your right.Put clip in,turn key on,[ don't start it ] light should flash code 12,3 times then what-ever more code it has.O-that paper clip,doesn't all ways work.They sale a tool for less then $10.00.Wire works better,like 14ga.Some 95's had,O.B.D.2.But I'm taking yours dose not.It's the clip.|||jump the a and b terminals in the aldl link under the dash they are right next to each other on the top left side.hope this helps you.
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